Kristen Rudd

Kristen holds a Master of Arts in Teaching in Classical Education through the Templeton Honors College at Eastern University where she wrote her master’s thesis on Dante’s Divine Comedy. Kristen also graduated from the CiRCE Institute Apprenticeship program in 2019 and is a CiRCE-certified master classical teacher.

Kristen offers online classes and tutoring services to middle schoolers, high schoolers, and adults. Learn more about her other classes at She is an adjunct professor at Thales College in the classical education department and often teaches and speaks for the CiRCE Institute. She is available for workshops and professional development on teaching, literature, writing, and college coaching and prep.

Kristen taught several classes across grades 3–10 for three years at Sola Gratia Classical Academy. Her crowning achievement, however, is having homeschooled both of her children from kindergarten through 12th grade, sending them off to pursue their dreams. Her daughter attends Saint Constantine College in Houston, Texas, and her son is training to be a professional ballet dancer at the Royal Ballet School in London, England.

Kristen founded and directs the Triangle Classical Forum, a local initiative for teachers and enthusiasts of the great paideia that the classical tradition has to offer. An established writer, her published work can be found online at The Circe Institute and The Center for Lit, among other places.

In her spare time (ha!), she writes fiction and poetry, lifts heavy weights, eats tacos, and gushes about Dido, Queen of Carthage, to anyone who will listen. She lives in Cary, NC with her husband and their idiotic yet lovable dog.